How to Link a Support Ticket to a Letter?

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Linking Support Tickets to your letters.

Sometimes it is very helpful to link a support ticket to the actual letter you have an issue or a question about. Linking a support ticket to outgoing letters will help our staff to quickly recognize that additional handling is needed with your letter. An example of this is: writing the inmate's name and ID# on the back of the photos. Or if you have an issue or a question about a letter you received, you can link the letter to the support ticket so our staff knows specifically which letter you have a problem with. Here are the directions on linking a support ticket to your letter.


A letter in my Outbox that is about to be or has already been sent.
Go to your Outbox and click the ? icon next to the outgoing letter.


A letter in my Inbox that I have recently received.
Go to your Inbox and click the ? icon next to the incoming letter.

How to Link a Support Ticket to a Letter?

Linking Support Tickets to your letters.

Sometimes it is very helpful to link a support ticket to the actual letter you have an issue or a question about. Linking a support ticket to outgoing letters will help our staff to quickly recognize that additional handling is needed with your letter. An example of this is: writing the inmate's name and ID# on the back of the photos. Or if you have an issue or a question about a letter you received, you can link the letter to the support ticket so our staff knows specifically which letter you have a problem with. Here are the directions on linking a support ticket to your letter.


A letter in my Outbox that is about to be or has already been sent.
Go to your Outbox and click the ? icon next to the outgoing letter.


A letter in my Inbox that I have recently received.
Go to your Inbox and click the ? icon next to the incoming letter.